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Day 3 Full Stream, 5th ZKProof Workshop
Day 2 Full Stream, 5th ZKProof workshop
Keynote:The Roaring Twenties: Recent Advances in Zero-Knowledge Proofs - Mary Maller (EF)
Keynote: Linear-Time SNARKs for R1CS and Friends - Justin Thaler (Georgetown)
ZKP Workshop Afternoon Session
IOP based Zero-Knowledge Proofs - Alessandro Chiesa, UC Berkeley, Zcash, Starkware
Keynote: ZKP Languages - Where We Are Now - Kobi Gurkan (Geometry)
Groth16 still lives: exploring tradeoffs of modern ZKProof systems - François Garillot (Mysten Labs)
Zero-Knowledge Machine Learning - Jason Morton (ZKonduit / 0xPARC).
Accessing Ethereum historical data with zkProofs: Lido Validators' Balance zkOracle
ZK Hack V LIVE #3 - Puzzle V-2 Awards + Polygon Workshop + Puzzle V-3
Panel Discussion: The Future of the ZK Industry